
The Sitting Duck Copyright ©️ Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers and buyers email

Have you ever been a sitting duck?  Check this out There was a duck 🦆 and he waddled in this house. The home owner came in and saw this duck 🦆 sitting in the living room. The home owner says "Hey an actual sitting duck!" The duck looks at him and says "And I'm not even a quack either! You mind if I sit" The guy says "You are already here! What choice do I have?" The duck 🦆 says "In lm an actual sitting duck! There are hunters out there who want me for din din and it just my fargin luck they want me a farging duck! Of all the birds out there they pick me! Can't they just eat chicken 🐔? I mean chicken is everywhere! Or how about a cow?! People love hamburgers but no they want a sitting cluck of a farging sitting duck!" The home owner says "Sounds like your a sitting dumb f**k if you ask me! Listen your ok for being here against your luck but lucky for me I've got a talking duck!!" The duck says "Lucky for me I've ...

Gas Copyright ©️ Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers and buyers email

I was working with someone in a Warehouse and they farted. He smiled and "And this too shall pass!!" What do you call someone who is a pest 🪳🦟 to you at your home or work? Pesticide! They can really bug you. But I guess it's better than a passenger side douchebag!!

The Dentist copyright by Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers email

This dentist was going out with a girl for a long time and he said "Well I'm gonna marry this girl don't you think it's a good catch?" One Dentist says "4 out of 5 of agree that whatever you catch you can't throw back!!" Copyright ©️ Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers and buyers email or What do you call a girl who is on her period being mean to everyone? Ragety Ann!

In the snow ❄️🌨️©️Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers email

What do you call a guy whose testicles are froze? ❄️ Snow Balls!! What did the dick say to the balls? Are you nuts?! What do you call a bag 🛍️ of 🥜 peanuts? A nut sack!! What is a nickname for mens sperm? Nutter Butter!! What do you call the passenger of your car complaining about your driving,? A Pesticide!!  What do you call on her period being a grouch? Ragety Ann!! What does one mailman saying to another when they see someone or something sexy? Look at the package on that!! I give you right postage anytime baby and I even ship you out baby,!! I've got the double postage for you!! Whether rain or snow 🌨️🌨️ don't you know!!  ©️By Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers email or

The Habitual Offender ©️Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers email

A friend of mine got arrested for DUI and the 1st time they call him a habitual offender cause he bitches about  everything. now he is biching about beeing arrested!! ©️ by Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers email or

The job ©️ By Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers email

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The Clothing Store ©️ By Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers email

A guy comes into a clothing store 🏬🏪 and robs it. As he was getting away he realized he is Under Drest ©️ by Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers email

The Dentist ©️by Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers email

Did you hear 🙉 about the 5th dentists who got caught sleeping with the dentists wives? 4 out of 5 dentists kicked his friggin ass!! What's another word for someone who always hits your cars all the time? A Dentist!!