In the snow ❄️🌨️©️Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers email

What do you call a guy whose testicles are froze? ❄️ Snow Balls!!

What did the dick say to the balls? Are you nuts?!

What do you call a bag 🛍️ of 🥜 peanuts? A nut sack!!

What is a nickname for mens sperm? Nutter Butter!!

What do you call the passenger of your car complaining about your driving,? A Pesticide!! 

What do you call on her period being a grouch? Ragety Ann!!

What does one mailman saying to another when they see someone or something sexy? Look at the package on that!! I give you right postage anytime baby and I even ship you out baby,!! I've got the double postage for you!! Whether rain or snow 🌨️🌨️ don't you know!! 

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©️By Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers email or


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