
An instrument player Copyright ©️ Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers and buyers email

What do you call someone who plays The Bone Flute? A penist!!  Copyright ©️ Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers and buyers email or

The Tree ©️ by Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers and buyers email

What did the construction worker say to the big tree? You think your bored now your really really gonna be board later!! 

The Prostitute Copyright ©️ Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers and buyers email

I was walking with a prostitute and she slips and falls and I said "Ho no! I mean Oh No are you ok!" Copyright Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers and buyers email or                

The Clothing store 🏪🏬 Copyright ©️ Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers and buyers email

A lady walks into a clothing store lost needing directions. She asks "Which way is an address to wear I'm going!": The cashier says "We will find a address to wear your going!"  Copyright ©️ Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers and buyers email or

looking for directions by Author George Daniel Butler Jr ©️ Publishers email

A lady walks into a clothing store an asks? "Can you help me which address is the right one?" The lady says "I know it's hard to find you must be lost and you can't decide!!"  ©️ Copyright Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers and buyers email me or

Commercial Jingle idea by Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers and buyers email

Check ✔️✅ out the new towel made to clean up all spills. Look at spaghetti sauce the Wonder towel just cleans it up spills  and it's made in America and it's the strongest paper that that's on the market. It' works really well because its self absorbed! Get your paper towels today. I have better ideas I don't print them that much! Thank you thank you very much! Copyright ©️ Author George Daniel Butler Jr Publishers and buyers email or 

Jokes by Author George Daniel Butler Jr Copyright ©️ email or

What do you call someone driving by a male deer? Passing the Buck! If you hit a deer 🦌 are those points they take off your license to suspend it? Isn't that passing the Buck as well? I think you got my point.  What do deer and currency 💲💵 have in common? You have to get Doe to get to a Buck!! A  friend of mine was working at a tire shop and they got really busy. He got caught up and he looked at me and said "I'm fukn tired" I said "Your fucking tires? ! Hoping for a rim job? Why don't you get a girlfriend that's a big hole to fill with them tires. You sound like your out balance my friend. That's a lot of weight to balance my friend! Good luck with the rim job your better off plugging them holes and patching it up and get you balanced!" My friend says ,"You better go cause I'm gonna plug these tires and they don't yell back I am tired not fucking tires!"